

Supporting the advancement of world-class higher education systems through collaborative data science engagements with THE experts and customised solutions.

“[THE] enable us to analyse the dynamics of higher education development and to comparatively
relate excellence to policies.”

Dirk Van Damme
Head of IMEP at the OECD (former)

Get access to THE’s robust global datasets and work collaboratively with our expert data scientists to enhance your data and analytical capabilities and empower your strategic advancement.

  • Country and institutional-level data and analysis
  • Benchmark against 4,000+ universities and over 100 countries
  • Data covering research, teaching, sustainability, reputation, internationalisation and more
  • Analyse rankings performance and year-on-year trends
  • Quick analysis via an interactive dashboard
  • Export and integrate the data into your own systems/platforms

Come with an idea, leave with a solution.

All organisations are unique, which is why our experts will work collaboratively with you to ascertain your specific requirements and deliver a customised solution. Here is our process:

Here are some example analyses that THE DataLabs can support you with:

Get in touch

Contact us today to discuss how
our team can support you