
University League Tables 1996

May 17, 1996

Entry Requirements average points:

Cambridge 28 Oxford 26 LSE 24 Bath 22 Imperial 22 Birmingham 21 Bristol 21 Nottingham 21 Sheffield 21 St. Andrews 21 Sussex 21 Warwick 21 York 21

Aston 20, Durham 20, East Anglia 20, Edinburgh 20, Glasgow 20, Keele 20, Kent 20, Lancaster 20, Leeds 20, Manchester 20, Newcastle 20, Queen's Belfast 20, Southampton 20, Royal Holloway 20, UCL 20, UMIST 20, Aberdeen 19, City 19, Essex 19, Exeter 19, Leicester 19, Liverpool 19, Loughborough 19, Reading 19, Swansea 19, King's College 19, QMW 19, Cardiff 19, Brunel 18, Stirling 18, Surrey 18, UCW Aberystwyth 18, Bradford 17, Hull 17, Salford 17, Strathclyde 17, Ulster 17, Dundee 16, London Goldsmiths 16, Bangor 16, Heriot - Watt 14, Lampeter 14, Coventry 13, De Montfort 13,l John Moores 13, Plymouth 13, West of England (Bristol) 13, Bournemouth 12, Buckingham 12, Central England 12, Hertfordshire 12, Huddersfield 12, Leeds Met 12,

Manchester Met 12, Middlesex 12, North London 12, Northumbria 12, Nottingham Trent 12, Oxford Brookes 12, Portsmouth 12, Sheffield Hallam 12, Anglia 11, Lancashire 11, Greenwich 11, Humberside 11, Kingston 11, Guildhall 11, Staffordshire 11, Teesside 11, Wolverhampton 11, Brighton 10, Derby 10, Glasgow Caledonian 10, Napier 10, South Bank 10, Sunderland 10, Thames Valley 10, Westminster 10, Glamorgan 9, Abertay Dundee 8, Paisley 8, Robert Gordon 8, East London 6, Luton 6,

Student Accommodation

Cambridge 91.1 Institute of Education 84.8 Oxford 81.4 York 79.1 Ripon and York St John 75.7 Kent Institute of Art 63.2 Lancaster 60.1 Warwick 58.6 Salford 54.7 Hull 53.6 Durham 52 Surrey 51.3 Coleg Normal Bangor 48.7 Kent 47.2



Exeter 46.7, UMIST 46, Essex 45.7, Aston University 45.3, Brunel University 43.7, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 43.5, Nottingham 43.3, Reading 43.3, Manchester 42.5, Royal Veterinary College 41.3, Dartington College of Arts 40.8, Royal Holloway 40.7 Leeds 40, Bristol 39.7, East Anglia 39.6, Harper Adams 38.8, Sheffield 38.2 Leicester 38.1, Sussex 37.7, Loughborough College of Art 37.5, Scottish College of Textiles 37.3, Birmingham 37.3, LSE 37.2, Trinity College Carmarthen 36.9, Wye College 35.7, Southampton 35.6, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art 35.3, Loughborough 34.3, Imperial College 34.2, Bath 33.6, Royal College of Music 33.3, Keele 33.3, United Medical and Dental Schools 31.3, City 31.1, Westminster College 30.9, Bradford 30.4, Royal Northern College of Music 29.8, Edinburgh 29.7, Bretton Hall College of HE 29.2, St George's Hospital Medical School 29, University College 29,

Trinity and All Saints College .7, Goldsmiths' College .5, Liverpool Institute of HE 26.5, Chester College of HE 26, Newman College 25.5, Hertfordshire 25.2, Bishop Grosseteste College 24.4, Robert Gordon 24.4, Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School 24.3, Gwent College of HE 23.8, Oxford Brookes 23.3, 成人VR视频rton College 23, West Sussex Institute of HE 22.8, Roehampton Institute of HE 22.2, The North East Wales Institute of HE 22.1, Greenwich 22, University College Salford 21.8 Abertay Dundee 20.8, Bolton Institute of HE 20.7, St Martin's College 20.2 Derby 19.9, Royal Hospital School of Medicine 19.8, La Sainte Union College of HE 19.6, The London Hospital Medical College 18.7, Edge Hill University College 18.5, Coventry University 18.1, Liverpool 17.7, Canterbury Christ Church College of HE 17.6, Sunderland 17.3, QMW 17.2, Kingston 17.1, Ravensbourne College of Design 16.4, Central Lancashire 16.3, Staffordshire 15.9, Wolverhampton 15.7, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of HE 15.6, Nene College 15.1,



Queen Margaret College 14.9, Plymouth 14.6 Paisley 14.6, Nottingham Trent 14.3, Portsmouth 13.9, Bath College of HE 13.7, De Montfort 13.3, West Surrey College of Art and Design 13.2, St Andrew's College of Education 13.2, Manchester Met 12.8, King Alfred's College 12.3, Southampton Institute of HE 12.3, Brighton 11.9, Teesside 11.9, Middlesex 11.8, St Bartholomew's 11.8, SOAS 11.8, Sheffield Hallam 11.5, West London Institute of 成人VR视频 10.9, Cardiff Institute of HE 10.2 Glamorgan 9.6, Westminster 9.5, Edinburgh College of Art 9.5, Worcester College of HE 8.8, Northumbria at Newcastle 8.7, Central England in Birmingham 8.4, Kings College London 8.4, John Moores 7.9, Winchester School of Art 7.8, Swansea Institute of HE 7, Anglia Polytechnic 6.9, Guildhall 6.2, South Bank 6, London University Senate Institutes 5.2, London Institute 5.1, East London 4.6, North London 3.5, Glasgow Caledonian 3.4, Glasgow School of Art 2.8, St Mary's College 1.6, St Mark and St John 1.1, Northern College 0.9, Buckinghamshire College of HE 0.3, Wimbledon School of Art 0.3, Moray House Institute of Education 0.1

Library spending per student

Oxford 905 Cambridge 638 LSE 622 Buckingham 457 Imperial 401 Aston 347 Bristol 346 Sussex 341 Newcastle 335 St. Andrews 334 Edinburgh 321 Dundee 320 Manchester 320

Bangor 318, King's 314, Nottingham 308, Bath 307, Lancaster 307, Glasgow 305, Leicester 305, QMW 304, Southampton 295, Royal Holloway 292, York 292 , Leeds 288, Aberdeen 287, Aberystwyth 287, Lampeter 285, East Anglia 3, Surrey 2, Stirling 1, Reading 268, Sheffield 266, UCL 262, Guildhall 259, Hull 258, Kent 258, Queen's Belfast 258, Keele 257, Warwick 257, Swansea 256, Birmingham 255, Liverpool 254, Robert Gordon 253, Essex 249, Exeter 248, Goldsmiths 247, Loughborough 247, Bradford 239, Durham 238, Strathclyde 238, City 235, Thames Valley 235, Brunel 234, Kingston 231, Cardiff 225, Northumbria 224, Hertfordshire 219, Brighton 216, Ulster 214, Teesside 213, Westminster 213, West of England (Bristol) 212, Central England 210, Napier 210, UMIST 205, Sunderland 203, Heriot - Watt 202, Staffordshire 200, Nottingham Trent 198, Abertay Dundee 197, North London 195, Portsmouth 189, Sheffield Hallam 188, Plymouth 187, Paisley 186,

Wolverhampton 186, Coventry 185, Anglia 184, Bournemouth 184, Glasgow Caledonian 184, Salford 184, De Montfort 183, Glamorgan 182, Middlesex 182, Greenwich 178, Oxford Brookes 177, Huddersfield 173, East London 169, Manchester Met 168, Luton 166, South Bank 166, John Moores 165, Derby 164, Central Lancashire 144, Leeds Met 132, Humberside 126 Student:staff ratios

Royal Academy of Music 2 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2 Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine 2 United Medical and Dental Schools 2.4 The London Hospital Medical College 2.5 Royal Northern College of Music 3 Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School 3 St George's Hospital Medical School 3 Royal College of Art 4 Imperial College 4 The Royal Veterinary College 4 Cambridge 5 Scottish Agricultural College 5 University of Wales College of Medicine 5

Royal College of Music 6 Wimbledon School of Art 6, UCL 6, Oxford 6, Welsh College of Music and Drama 6, Bristol 7, London University - Senate Institutes 7, Manchester 7, Newcastle upon Tyne 7, Southampton 7, York 7, Edinburgh 7, Dundee 7, Writtle College 7, Trinity College of Music 8, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama 8, Essex 8, Liverpool 8, Kings 8, London Business School 8, Wye 8, Nottingham 8, UMIST 8, Glasgow 8, Bath 9, Leeds 9, Leicester 9, Falmouth School of Art and Design 10, Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication 10, De Montfort 10, East Anglia 10, SOAS 10, Loughborough 10, Reading 10, St Andrews 10, Central School of Speech and Drama 11,

Loughborough College of Art 11, Birmingham 11, Durham 11, Sheffield 11, Sussex 11, Aberdeen 11, Greenwich 12, Surrey 12, Warwick 12, Heriot-Watt 12, Aberystwyth 12, Cardiff 12, Swansea 12, Exeter 13, Kent 13, Lancaster 13, Stirling 13, Bangor 13, St Mary's College 14, Manchester Met 14, Northumbria 14, Portsmouth 14, Queen Margaret College 14, Scottish College of Textiles 14, Robert Gordon 14, Keele 14, Goldsmiths College 14, Institute of Education 14, LSE 14, QMW 14, Royal Holloway 14, Salford 14, Strathclyde 14, Queen's Belfast 14, 成人VR视频rton College 15, Trinity College 15, Napier 15, Kent Institute of Art and Design 16, The London Institute 16, Brighton 16, Oxford Brookes 16, Sheffield Hallam 16, Coleg Normal 16, Edinburgh College of Art 16, Glasgow School of Art 16, Bradford 16, Brunel 16, Hull 16, St David's 16, Ulster 16, Dartington College of Arts 17,

Harper Adams 17, West London Institute of H E 17, Winchester School of Art 17, Bath College of HE 17, Bournemouth 17, Hertfordshire 17, Abertay Dundee 17, Northern College of Education 17, St Andrew's College of Education 17, Aston 17, Birkbeck College 17, St Mark and St John 18, King Alfred's College 18, Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama 18, The North-East Wales Institute of HE 18, Swansea Institute of HE 18, City 18, College of Guidance Studies 19, Bishop Grosseteste College 19, Chester College of HE 19, John Moores 19, West of England Bristol 19, Westminster 19, Glasgow Caledonian 19, Buckinghamshire College of HE 20, Edge Hill College of HE 20, Liverpool Institute of HE 20, Trinity and All Saints College 20, West Surrey Institute of Art and Design 20, Anglia Polytechnic 20, Guildhall 20, Coventry 20, East London 20, Kingston 20, Middlesex 20, North London 20,



Staffordshire 20, Moray House 20, Ripon and York St John 21, University College Salford 21, Bolton Institute of HE 21, Derby 21, Huddersfield 21, Plymouth 21, Teeside 21, West Sussex Institute of HE 21, Paisley 21, Nene College 22, Nottingham Trent 22, Westhill College 22, Bretton Hall College of HE 23, La Sainte Union College of HE 23, Newman College 23, Roehampton Institute of HE 23, Westminster College 23, Leeds Met 23, Central Lancashire 24, Southampton Institute of HE 25, Central England in Birmingham 25, South Bank 25, Thames Valley 25, Cardiff Institute of HE 25, Canterbury Christ Church College of HE 26, Worcester College of HE 26, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of HE 26, Sunderland 26, St Martin's College 28, Luton 29, Wolverhampton 31, Gwent College of HE 31, Glamorgan 31, Humberside 34, Institute of Advanced Nursing Education 44 The Open University 155

First Class Honours

Chester College of HE 33 The Open University Cambridge Wimbledon School of Art 22 Imperial College 19.9 Edinburgh College of Art 17 Westhill College 16.6 Oxford 15.1 Welsh College of Music & Drama 14.8 Buckinghamshire College of HE 14 Birkbeck College 13.7 UCL 13.6 Loughborough College of Art and Design 13

UMIST, 12.8, St Andrew's College of Textiles, 12.7, Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication 12.4, Bristol 12.4, Glasgow School of Art 12, York 11.7, Glasgow 11.2, Sussex 11, London University - Senate Institutes 10.9, St Andrews 10.8, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art 10.6, Royal Holloway 10.4, Warwick 10.4, Falmouth College of Art 10, Nottingham 9.9, Birmingham 9.8, Surrey 9.6, Winchester School of Art 9.5, Reading 9.5, Heriot-Watt 9.5, Exeter 9.4, Leeds 9.4, King's College London 9.4, Westminster 9.1, Loughborough 9.1, Newcastle upon Tyne 9.1, The London Institute 9, Southampton 9, Moray House College of Education 8.9, City University 8.9,

Manchester 8.8, Dundee 8.8, Kent 8.7 , Swansea 8.7, Queen's Belfast 8.7, Edinburgh 8.6, Durham 8.5, Brunel 8.3, Goldsmiths 8.3, QMW 8.3, SOAS 8.2, East Anglia 8.1, Essex, 8.1, Newman College 8, Salford 8, Sheffield 8, Oxford Brookes 7.7, Strathclyde 7.7, Cardiff 7.6, School of Pharmacy University of London 7.5, Scottish Agricultural College 7.5, Bradford 7.4, Institute of Advanced Nursing Education 7, Bretton Hall College of HE 7, Lancaster 7, Stirling 7, LSE 6.9, Gwent College of HE 6.8, Aston 6.8, Aberdeen 6.8, College of North Wales Bangor 6.8, Salford College of Technology 6.7, Teesside 6.7, Keele 6.6, Robert Gordon 6.5, West London Institute of H E 6.4, Liverpool 6.4, Ulster 6.4, Brighton 6.2, North London 6.1, Kent Institute of Art and Design 6, Bath College of HE 6, The London Hospital Medical College 6, Kingston 5.9, De Montfort 5.7, South Bank 5.7,

Chichester Institute of HE 5.6, Hull 5.6, East London 5.5, Northumbria at Newcastle 5.5, Roehampton Institute of HE 5.4, Leicester 5.4, United Medical and Dental Schools 5.4, Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama 5.3, Middlesex 5.3, Hertfordshire 5.2, Nottingham Trent 5.2, Portsmouth 5.2, Cardiff Institute of HE 5.1, Wye College 5, Glasgow Caledonian 4.8, Charing Cross & Westminser Medical School 4.8, Bolton Institute of HE 4.7, 成人VR视频rton College 4.6, Anglia Polytechnic 4.6, Manchester Met 4.6,

Canterbury Christ Church College of HE 4.5, College of Ripon and York St John 4.5, Dartington College of Arts 4.5, St Mary's College 4.5, Central Lancashire 4.5, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of HE 4.5, West of England Bristol 4.5, Aberystwyth 4.5, Coventry 4.4, Greenwich 4.4, Plymouth, 4.4, St George's Hospital Medical School 4.4, of Derby, 4.3, Westminster College 4, Central England in Birmingham 4, John Moores 4, Huddersfield 3.9, The Surrey Institute of Art and Design 3.8, Sheffield Hallam 3.8, The North-East Wales Institute of HE 3.8, Glamorgan 3.8, The Scottish College of Textiles 3.8, Trinity College Carmarthen 3.7, Napier 3.7, St David's College 3.7, Staffordshire 3.6, La Sainte Union College of HE 3.5, Harper Adams 3.4, London Guildhall 3.4, Wolverhampton 3.3, King Alfred's College 2.9, Liverpool Institute of HE 2.9, Sunderland 2.9,

Swansea Institute of HE 2.9, Queen Margaret College 2.9, Thames Valley 2.6, St Mark and St John 2.5, Humberside 2.5, Bournemouth 2.4, Northern College of Education 2.3, St Martin's College 2.2, Coleg Normal 2.2, Nene College 2, Abertay Dundee 1.9, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine 1.9, Paisley 1.8, Bath 1.6, Trinity and All Saints College 1.5, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama 1.5, Edge Hill College of HE 1.4, Southampton Institute of HE 1.3, Central School of Speech and Drama 1, Bishop Grosseteste College 0.6

Overseas Students

LSE 42.2 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 41.5 London Business School 37.9 Royal Academy of Music 28.9 Royal Postgraduate Medical School 28.2 Heriot-Watt 26.6 British Postgraduate Medical Federation 24.9 SOAS 24.1 UMIST 22.7 Royal College of Music 21.6

Wye College 21.6, Imperial College 21.2, Leicester 20.0, Essex 17.8, Surrey 14.5, Cambridge 14.4, Bangor 13.8, Wolverhampton 13.7, Oxford 13.7, Nottingham 13.1, London University Senate Institutes 13.0, Sheffield 12.9, Bath 12.7, Buckinghamshire College of HE 12.5, QMW 12.5, Kent 12.4, Bradford 12.3, The Royal Veterinary College 12.0, Institute of Education 11.9, UCL 11.9, Warwick 11.9, Oxford Brookes 11.7, Manchester 11.5, Strathclyde 11.3, Reading 11.1, Leeds 10.8, City 10.7, Cardiff 10.6, St Andrews 10.3, Kings 10.1, Bristol 9.7, Newcastle upon Tyne 9.6, Edinburgh 9.5, The School of Pharmacy 9.3, Salford 9.3, Sussex 9.3, Kent Institute of Art & Design 8.9, Royal Northern College of Music 8.8, Glasgow 8.8, The London Hospital Medical College 8.7, Trinity College of Music 8.6, East London 8.6, Lancaster 8.6, Loughborough 8.5, Aberdeen 8.5, Royal College of Art 8.2, Birmingham 8.2, Swansea 8.2, Goldsmiths College 7.9, Brunel University 7.7, East Anglia 7.7, St Bartholomews 7.5, St Mark and St John 7.4, Thames Valley 7.4, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine 7.3,

Stirling 7.3, Liverpool 7.1, Royal Holloway 7.1, Coventry 7.0, Moray House 6.4, Southampton 6.4, Keele 6.2, Glasgow School of Art 6.1, United Medical and Dental Schools 6.1, Aberystwyth 6.1, The London Institute 5.9, York 5.9, Portsmouth 5.6, Queen Margaret College 5.6, Edinburgh College of Art 5.5, Durham 5.4, Exeter 5.4, Canterbury Christ Church College of HE 5.3, Westminster 4.9, Glamorgan 4.9, Aston 4.9, Institute of Psychiatry 4.9, Central School of Speech & Drama 4.7, Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School 4.6, St George's Hospital Medical School 4.6, Bolton Institute of HE 4.4, Brighton 4.4, Westhill College 4.4, Hertfordshire 4.1, Northumbria 4.1, Abertay Dundee 4.1, Northern College of Education 4.0, Middlesex 3.8,

Sunderland 3.8, St David's 3.8, De Montfort 3.4, Swansea Institute of HE 3.4, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama 3.4, John Moores 3.3, Sheffield Hallam 3.3, Queen's Belfast 3.2, North London 3.1, Nottingham Trent 3.1, Robert Gordon 3.1, South Bank 3.0, Wimbledon School of Art 3.0, Central Lancashire 2.9, Huddersfield 2.8, Guildhall 2.75, Staffordshire 2.7, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art 2.6, King Alfred's College 2.5, Greenwich 2.5, Kingston 2.5, Plymouth 2.4, Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication 2.3, Central England 2.3, Humberside 2.3, Manchester Met 2.3, Leeds Met 2.1, Scottish Agricultural College 2.0, College of Guidance Studies 1.8, West of England 1.8, Chester College of HE 1.7, Roehampton Institute of HE 1.7, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of HE 1.7, Teesside 1.7, The Scottish College of Textiles 1.7, Westminster College 1.6, Bath College of HE 1.6, Southampton Institute of HE 1.5, Napier University 1.5,

Institute of Advanced Nursing Education 1.4, Harper Adams 1.4, Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama 1.4, University College Salford 1.4, Winchester School of Art 1.4, St Martin's College 1.3, West Surrey College of Art and Design 1.3, Dartington College of Arts 1.2, Bournemouth 1.2, Cardiff Institute of HE 1.2, Birkbeck College 1.2, Welsh College of Music and Drama 1.2, Luton 1.1, Writtle College 1.1, Falmouth School of Art & Design 1.0, Nene College 1.0, St Mary's College 1.0, Glasgow Caledonian 1.0, Bretton Hall College of HE 0.9, Ulster 0.9, Bishop Grosseteste College 0.8, Derby 0.7, West Sussex Institute of HE 0.7, Edge Hill University College 0.6 , North-East Wales Institute of 成人VR视频 0.6, Paisley 0.6, Liverpool Institute of HE 0.5, Worcester College of HE 0.4, Gwent College of HE 0.4, Trinity College Carmarthen 0.4, Trinity and All Saints College 0.3, Anglia Polytechnic 0.3, St Andrew's College of Education 0.3, Open University 0.12, West London Institute of HE 0.1

Teaching Assessment Average Score

Cambridge 96 York 95 LSE 94 Oxford 93 St. Andrew's 92 Imperial 92 Durham 90 Nottingham 90 Strathclyde 90 Warwick 90 Manchester 89 UCL 89

Edinburgh 88, Southampton 88, Kingston 87, Lancaster 87, Sheffield 87, Stirling 86, Bath 85, Glasgow 85, Bristol 84 , Leeds 83, Queen's Belfast 83, Aberdeen 81, East Anglia 81, Leicester 81, King's College 81, Birmingham 80, Heriot-Watt 80, Liverpool 80, City 79, Surrey 79, Hull 78, Newcastle 77, Reading 77, Robert Gordon 77, QMW 77, Cardiff 77, Dundee 76, Oxford Brookes 76, West of England (Bristol) 76, Kent 75, Northumbria 75, Paisley 75, Aberystwyth 75, Bangor 75, Royal Holloway 75, Abertay Dundee 74, Anglia Polytechnic 74, Coventry 74, Glasgow Caledonian 74, Kingston 74, Plymouth 74, Sussex 74, Swansea 74, UMIST 74, East London 73, Essex 73, Exeter 73, Glamorgan 73, Keele 73, London Guildhall 73, Napier 73,

Nottingham Trent 73, Brunel 72, Greenwich 72, Huddersfield 72, Goldsmith's 72, Loughborough 72, Ulster 72, Central England 71, Manchester Met 70, Sheffield Hallam 70, De Montfort 69, Derby 69, Hertfordshire 69, North London 69, Portsmouth 69, Aston 66, Bournemouth 66, Bradford 66, Brighton 66, Central Lancashire 66, Humberside 66, Leeds Met 66, John Moores 66, Luton 66, Middlesex 66, Salford 66, South Bank 66, Staffordshire 66, Teesside 66, Thames Valley 66, Lampeter 66, Westminster 66, Wolverhampton 66, Sunderland 63

Completion rates

Birkbeck College 11.4 The Open University 12.5 Nene College 13.4 St Andrews 13.8 Glasgow Caledonian 14.9 Thames Valley 15.0 Staffordshire 15.2 Birmingham 15.8 Chester College of HE 16.3 Stirling 16.5 King's College 16.6 Surrey 16.7 Bangor 16.7 Brunel University 16.9



Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine 17.1, Moray House 17.7, The Royal Veterinary College 17.8, College of St Mark and St John 18.2, London Guildhall University 18.7, De Montfort 18.8, Westminster College 18.8, King Alfred's College 18.9, Warwick 19.0, British Postgraduate Medical Federation 19.1, St Martin's College 19.3, United Medical and Dental Schools 19.3, North London 19.7, Royal Postgraduate Medical School 19.9, Southampton 20.2, Leicester 20.3, Teesside 20.4, Aberdeen 20.4, Keele 20.6, LSE 20.7, UCL 20.7, Sheffield 20.7, Heriot-Watt 20.7, Robert Gordon 20.9, Gwent College of HE 21.0, Bournemouth 21.0, Leeds Met 21.1, St George's Hospital Medical School 21.2, Abertay Dundee 21.3, Lancaster 21.5, Dundee 21.5, East London 21.7, Westhill College 21.7, Nottingham Trent 21.9, Bath 21.9, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of HE 22.0, Edinburgh 22.0,

Hertfordshire 22.2, Edge Hill College of HE 22.2, Salford College of Technology 22.3, Central England 22.3, City 22.3, Exeter 22.3, Westminster 22.5, Brighton 22.5, Royal Holloway 22.5, Strathclyde 22.5, Bradford 22.6, Salford 22.6, Bishop Grosseteste College 22.7, Anglia Polytechnic 22.9, Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School 22.9, Imperial College 22.9, Southampton Institute of HE 23.1, Royal Northern College of Music 23.2, Loughborough 23.4, Newman College 23.5, Middlesex 23.7, Glasgow School of Art 23.7, York 23.7, Durham 23.8, Nottingham 23.8, Napier 23.9, QMW 23.9, Humberside 24.0, Leeds 24.0, Glasgow 24.0, John Moores 24.1, Oxford 24.1, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art 24.4, Edinburgh College of Art 24.4, Aston 24.4, South Bank 24.6, Roehampton Institute of HE 24.6, East Anglia 24.7, Sunderland 24.8, Aberystwyth 24.8, Dartington College of Arts 24.9, Bolton Institute of HE 25.0, Hull 25.0, Liverpool 25.0, Wolverhampton 25.1,

Canterbury Christ Church College of HE 25.1, Harper Adams 25.1, Sussex 25.1, St David's 25.2, Goldsmiths 25.3, Manchester 25.3, Reading 25.3, Swansea 25.3, Queen Margaret College 25.6, Trinity College of Music 25.8, Cardiff 25.8, Oxford Brookes 25.9, Royal College of Music 25.9, Derby 26.0, Northumbria 26.0, Portsmouth 26.1, Essex 26.2, Glamorgan 26.3, Writtle College 26.4, The North-East Wales Institute of HE 26.6, London Business School 26.7, Plymouth 26.8, Chichester Institute of HE 26.9, Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama .0, Kent Institute of Art and Design .1, West London Institute of HE .1, Central Lancashire .1, St. Bartholomews .2, Bristol .3, Kent .3, College of Ripon and York St John .4, Falmouth College of Art .6, Liverpool Institute of HE .6, Newcastle upon Tyne .7, Cambridge .9, Bath College of HE 28.2, UMIST 28.2,

Queen's Belfast 28.3, London University Senate Institutes 28.4, Swansea Institute of HE 28.7, SOAS 28.7, Coleg Normal 28.8, Welsh College of Music and Drama 28.8, Ulster 28.8, Sheffield Hallam 29.0, Trinity College Carmarthen 29.2, Institute of Advanced Nursing Education 29.6, St Mary's College 29.7, La Sainte Union College of HE 29.8, Greenwich 30.1, Huddersfield 30.1, Paisley 30.4, Loughborough College of Art and Design 30.9, The London Hospital Medical College 30.9, Manchester Met 31.0, Northern College of Education 31.3, Buckinghamshire College of HE 31.4,

Trinity and All Saints College 31.4, Coventry University 31.5, Wimbledon School of Art 31.5, Cardiff Institute of HE 31.5, The London Institute 31.5, The Scottish College of Textiles 31.8, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama 31.9, Kingston 32.0, Wye College 32.9, Bretton Hall College of HE 33.2, St Andrew's College of Education 33.9, 成人VR视频rton College 34.6, Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication 34.7, Central School of Speech and Drama 37.5, West of England 38.9, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 39.2, The Surrey Institute of Art and Design 40.0, College of Guidance Studies 40.1, School of Pharmacy 41.2, Scottish Agricultural College 41.5, University of Wales College of Medicine 41.8, Winchester School of Art 41.9, Royal College of Art 46.3, Royal Academy of Music 87.6


Leeds Metro 80 Sheffield Hallam 78 Bournemouth 77 Aston 76, Brighton 76 Portsmouth 73 Nottingham Trent 71 City 70 Northumbria 70 Bradford 69 Brunel 69

Kingston 69, Oxford Brookes 69, Robert Gordon 69, Sunderland 69, West of England (Bristol) 69, Coventry 68, Stirling 68, Bath 67, Central England 67, Greenwich 67, Hertfordshire 67, Humberside 67, John Moores 67, Surrey 67, Ulster 67, Central Lancashire 66, Heriot-Watt 66, Huddersfield 66, Loughborough 66, Teesside 66, De Montfort 65, North London 65, UMIST 65, Anglia Polytechnic 64, Goldsmiths 64, Plymouth 64, Guildhall 62, Lancaster 61, Luton 61, Manchester Met 61, Nottingham 61, South Bank 61, Staffordshire 61, Warwick 61, Wolverhampton 61, Buckingham 60, Kent 60, Napier 60, Reading 60, Salford 60, King's College 60, Manchester 59,

Middlesex 59, Westminster 59, Newcastle 58, Paisley 58, Sheffield 58, Strathclyde 58, Thames Valley 58, East London 57, Exeter 57, Liverpool 57, Abertay Dundee 56, Birmingham 56, Derby 56, Sussex 56, Bristol 55, Dundee 55, Durham 55, East Anglia 55, Glasgow Caledonian 55, Hull 55, Leeds 54, Oxford 54, Southampton 54, Swansea 53, York 53 , Aberdeen 51, Cambridge 51, Edinburgh 51, Lampeter 51, Glasgow 50, Imperial 49, Cardiff 49, Keele 47, Leicester 47, St. Andrews 47, Queen's Belfast 46, Bangor 45, Essex 44, QMW 43, Glamorgan 42, Aberystwyth 42, Royal Holloway 40, UCL 37, LSE 30

Research or further study

Queen's Belfast 43.4 St. Andrews 42.2 Aberystwyth 41.5 Essex 40.2 Bangor 39.7 Oxford 38.8 Cambridge 37 Keele 36.4 QMW 36 Leicester 35.8 Dundee 35.6 Lampeter 35.6 Cardiff 35.5 Glasgow 35.3 Aberdeen 35.1

Swansea 33.2, Durham 32.5, Imperial 32, Edinburgh 31.8, York 31.3, Hull 31, Buckingham 30, Kent 29.7, Liverpool 29.4, Southampton 29.4, Royal Holloway 29, UCL 29, Birmingham 28.7, Sheffield 28.7, East Anglia 28.4, Strathclyde 28.1, Bristol .8, Leeds .2, Lancaster .1, King's College , LSE , Nottingham 26.9, Abertay Dundee 26, Exeter 26, Manchester 26, Sussex 25.5, Newcastle 25.2, Luton 25, Brunel 24.7, Warwick 24.3, Bath 24, Central England 23, Thames Valley 23, Ulster 22.6, Salford 22.5, Surrey 22.1,

Reading 21.5, Loughborough 21.4, Anglia 21, Middlesex 21, Oxford Brookes 21, Wolverhampton 21, Stirling 20.8, UMIST 20.8, Heriot - Watt 20.5, East London 20, London Guildhall 20, Napier 20, North London 20, Staffordshire 20, City 19.6, Huddersfield 19, Westminster 19, Central Lancashire 18, Coventry 18, Glasgow Caledonian 18, Kingston 18, John Moores 18, Manchester Met 18, Bradford 17.5, Hertfordshire 17, South Bank 16, Teesside 16, Derby 15, Greenwich 15, West of England 15, Aston 14, Northumbria 14, Nottingham Trent 14, Paisley 14, Portsmouth 14, Sunderland 14, De Montfort 13,

Glamorgan 13, Plymouth 13, Sheffield Hallam 12, Humberside 11, Goldsmiths 11, Robert Gordon 9, Bournemouth 8, Brighton 8, Leeds Met 8


Derby South Bank 20 De Montfort 19 East London 19 Middlesex 19 Westminster 19 Abertay Dundee 18 Paisley 18 QMW 17 Humberside 16 Plymouth 16 Thames Valley 16 Wolverhampton 16

Teesside 15, Guildhall 14, Manchester Met 14, North London 14, Keele 13.5, Central Lancashire 13, Huddersfield 13, Sunderland 13, Leeds 12.6, Salford 12.4, Brighton 12, Glamorgan 12, Greenwich 12, John Moores 12, Nottingham Trent 12, Royal Holloway 12, West of England 12, Leicester 11.5, Reading 11.4, Sussex 11.2, Bangor 11.1, Coventry 11, Glasgow Caledonian 11, Luton 11, Staffordshire 11, Southampton 10.9, Aberystwyth 10.8, York 10.8, Newcastle 10.6, East Anglia 10.4, Glasgow 10.3, Essex 10.2, Manchester 10.1, UMIST 10.1, Anglia 10, Bournemouth 10, Hertfordshire 10, Kingston 10, Leeds Met 10, Napier 10, Northumbria 10, Robert Gordon 10, Heriot - Watt 9.9, Strathclyde 9.8, Lampeter 9.8, Hull 9.7, Edinburgh 9.1, Goldsmiths 9,

Portsmouth 9, Imperial 9, King's College 9, UCL 9, Bradford 8.8, Liverpool 8.8, Sheffield 8.6, Cardiff 8.6, Birmingham 8.5, Ulster 8.3, Kent 8.1, Loughborough 8.1, Central England 8, Nottingham 8, Sheffield Hallam 8, LSE 8, Exeter 7.3, Aberdeen 7.2, Swansea 7.2, Warwick 7.2, City 6.8, Durham 6.8, Queen's Belfast 6.8, Stirling 6.6, Aston 6.4, Lancaster 6.1, Oxford Brookes 6, Bath 5.9, St. Andrews 5.7, Brunel 5.5, Cambridge 5.5, Bristol 5.4, Surrey 5.4, Buckingham 5, Dundee 4.3, Oxford 3.6


These tables show the raw data supplied to The Times by Tom Cannon to produce its integrated league table of universities in the United Kingdom which it publishes today. The information was gathered from a number of sources including the 成人VR视频 Statistics Agency, the Universities Statistical Record and the Department for Education and Employment. Every effort was made to ensure its accuracy but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions. Some institutions do not appear in every table. HESA does not necessarily concur with data aggregations or manipulations and is not responsible for any inferences or conclusions thereby derived.

Entry Requirements - entry requirements of students beginning degree courses in 1994/95 based on average A level points score across institution.

Student Accommodation - percentage of students in accommodation rovided by the institution (excluding links with local householders) in 1994/95.

Library Expenditure - spending on books periodicals and staff but excluding buildings, per full time equivalent student in 1993/94.

Student: Staff Ratio - average student: staff ratios across institution based on total staff and student numbers for 1993/94.

First-class Honours - percentage winning a first class degree in 1993/94.

Teaching Assessment - average teaching quality assessment score.

International Students - percentage of non-UK and non-EU students in 1994/95.

Successful Course Completion - proportion successfully completing first degrees in 1993/94.

Permanent Employment - percentage of 1993/94 graduates known to be in short and long term employment after six months.

Unemployment - percentage known to be unemployed after six months.



Research and Further Study - percentage going on to research and further study.

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Reader's comments (3)

Good afternoon, I graduated from Southampton Uni in 1996, in geography; is there any way of finding out where Southampton ranked a) overall and b) for geography in the UK in 1996, please? Yours sincerely, Simon
I graduated from University of Liverpool in 1996, I now live and work in China and need to apply for a visa extension based on the Chinese Foreigner Grading System. One category is the world ranking of the University at time of graduation. Can you tell me the world ranking for Unicersity of Liverpool in 1996?
What is the overall ranking of University of Portsmouth in 1995, 1996 and 1999.
