Time and Power: Visions of History in German Politics, from the Thirty Years’ War to the Third Reich, by Christopher Clark Hester Vaizey on how regimes employed different temporal signatures to legitimate their authority Hester Vaizey 2月 28日
The Promise of the East: Nazi Hopes and Genocide, 1939-43, by Christian Ingrao An insightful contribution to a crowded field invites us to consider Nazism as a promise to deliver a different kind of society, finds Hester Vaizey Hester Vaizey 1月 3日
Broken Lives: How Ordinary Germans Experienced the 20th Century, by Konrad H. Jarausch Book of the week: memoirs of the Weimar generation are formed into a powerful social history, writes Hester Vaizey Hester Vaizey 6月 21日
A Passing Fury: Searching for Justice at the End of World War II, by A. T. Williams An anecdote about a sandwich illustrates the Allies’ struggle to make the Nazis pay, says Hester Vaizey Hester Vaizey 6月 2日
The Great Departure: Mass Migration from Eastern Europe and the Making of the Free World, by Tara Zahra Millions went West for a better life, but there were casualties in the human traffic, says Hester Vaizey Hester Vaizey 3月 31日