No jobs at stake in the Adelaide merger? History suggests otherwise There must be full transparency over the costs and benefits of a merged Adelaide University, says Binoy Kampmark Binoy Kampmark 12月 14日
The West should not freeze out Russian academics Boycotting Russia will hinder research, punish the innocent and damage the prospects of a peaceful future, says Binoy Kampmark Binoy Kampmark 3月 18日
在线教学的“抖音教学法”正给学生们带来麻烦 比诺伊·坎普马克(Binoy Kampmark)表示,澳大利亚高校不断适应数字化方法,这正在降低学习成本——但并不是以一种好的方式 Binoy Kampmark 12月 14日
Social climate bureaucracy is not the way to improve behaviour on?campus Compulsory modules on good conduct risk causing more problems than they solve, says Binoy Kampmark Binoy Kampmark 10月 19日
Australia must start readmitting international students Vaccine passports are a way to reopen campuses while minimising Covid risks. So why is Australia not adopting them, asks Binoy Kampmark Binoy Kampmark 8月 20日
About-turns on in-person and online teaching are unhinging everyone Covid and its financial fallout are serious, but managers must grasp the impact of their operating experiments on teaching and learning, says Binoy Kampmark Binoy Kampmark 6月 18日