Trump bump? Student numbers rise at US women’s colleges Since the 2016 US presidential election, women’s colleges have been seeing significant gains as more young women embrace #MeToo By Scott Jaschik for Inside Higher Ed 13 August
Saudi removal of students from Canada is ‘warning shot’ to US and UK Experts warn that row shows how globally mobile students can be used as pawns in era of ‘political overreaction’ By Anna McKie 10 August
Iowa sued by Christian group that barred gay student from leadership Religious freedom advocacy groups increasingly turning to legal action against public university anti-discrimination policies By Emma Whitford for Inside Higher Ed 7 August
Plan for 100 new universities in Mexico ‘totally impractical’ Academics argue new president should direct funding to recruiting and retaining more lecturers By Rachael Pells 7 August
Pearson turns artificial intelligence attention to essay marking New tool will learn how academics grade papers and replicate their approach By Anna McKie 6 August
University courses tackle US civic ‘illiteracy’ Advent of Trump era lends urgency to debate about social justice and democratic values By Jon Marcus 4 August
Top US universities defend Harvard admissions policy Prestigious private institutions highlight importance of student diversity in light of lawsuit that could set a precedent on affirmative action By Ellie Bothwell 1 August
Professor ‘sabotaged’ harassment accuser’s research Former Columbia University academic Enrichetta Ravina awarded $1.25 million (?953,000) in damages By Colleen Flaherty for Inside Higher Ed 1 August
Nobel laureate: how (not) to apply for a postdoc position Martin Chalfie argues that young scientists who ‘play the game’ of publishing in selective journals are less likely to win permanent posts By David Matthews 1 August
US religious universities speak out with authority in Trump era University of Notre Dame president says faith-based institutions have unique ability to counter fear and anxiety with hope By Ellie Bothwell 31 July
Tuition fee hikes ‘viable model for maintaining access’ in US Higher charges, if accompanied by financial aid, do not reduce access for low-income students or significantly change student behaviour, says study By Ellie Bothwell 29 July
‘Tide turning’ against using student evaluations to rate staff Experts predict ripple effect from ruling against Canadian university By Ellie Bothwell 26 July