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University of South Santa Catarina (Unisul)

Tubarao, Brazil
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Basic information and contact details for the University of South Santa Catarina (Unisul)


The University of South Santa Catarina (UNISUL) was established in 1964.

The university is located in Santa Catarina, the oldest state in southern Brazil.

The university has six campuses situated in Santa Catarina: Araranguá, Northern Arm, I?ara, Florianopolis, White Rock, and Shark. It also has more than 70 centres for digital education.

The university offers a range of courses at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level. There are also a number of short courses available as well as a language programme specialising in Spanish, French and English.

Certain courses include virtual learning units, in which up to 40 per cent of the course may be taught in digital mode. The university has more than 30 bachelors, undergraduate and higher technology courses as part of its digital education. These courses specialise in the fields of technology, business management, public management, and business and security.

?nima lab is a space for students to connect with other members of the academic community, by sharing ideas and exchanging experiences. It provides students with work and career opportunities, by hosting various events and workshops throughout the year. There are start-up development programmes available for students, mentored by teachers and experts in innovation.

At the heart of the university are five key values: focus on students, teachers and employees, respect for people, the environment and culture, commitment to excellence, entrepreneurial attitude, and community integration.

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