成人VR视频’s Europe Student Success Forum 2019 will be held in partnership with Spain’s University of Navarra in July.
The event will bring together leaders in higher education and related industries to debate the best initiatives and newest ideas for achieving student success. It will take place on 4 and 5 July 2019 in Madrid.
The forum will explore how new technology is fuelling innovative approaches to student success and how increasing demand for lifelong learning is reshaping higher education.
It will include the exclusive launch of the THE Europe Teaching Rankings 2019, a data masterclass examining the latest THE data on student success and a discussion on the impact of international rankings on higher education in Europe.
A panel discussion on creating the best learning environment for students will hear from Moira Fischbacher-Smith, assistant vice-president of learning and innovation at the University of Glasgow; Belén Gancedo, head of education at Microsoft; and Jo?o Sàágua, rector of NOVA University of Lisbon, while Dil Sidhu, chief content officer at online learning platform Coursera, will explore implementing technology to develop student success.
Meanwhile, Marie-Céline Daniel, vice-president of education and lifelong learning at Sorbonne University; Andreas Vaterlaus, vice-rector for curriculum development at ETH Zurich; Giuseppe Auricchio, executive director of the Learning Innovation Unit at IESE Business School; and Robert Wagenaar, director of the International Tuning Academy at the University of Groningen, will be among those discussing lifelong learning.
Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, rector of the University of Navarra, will also explore how universities can adapt to an increasingly globalised world.