
凯瑟琳·惠特比(Catherine Whitby)表示,新西兰的产业界和学术界都需要能够超越传统学科界限的人才

十一月 22, 2021
Pick n mix sweets, symbolising interdisciplinarity
Source: iStock


今年7月,《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal),揭露了在美国攻读硕士学位的学生所积累的巨额债务。这些两年制课程的学费高达每年10万美元(约63万人民币)。尽管学者很快了硕士学位是为了赚钱的说法,但这个故事还是传遍了全球。

在我的祖国新西兰,国内学生每年只需要支付约7000新西兰元(约3万人民币),而国际学生需要支付约2.8万(约12万人民币)。但新西兰教育部2017年的一项显示,学生们可能看不到这种投资的回报。硕士毕业生在毕业10年后的收入将比本科毕业生高出30%左右,但他们的收入不会比拥有研究生文凭(postgraduate diploma)的人高出多少。研究生文凭的成本更低,因为只需要一年就能完成学业。


Graph of master's enrolments in New Zealand



THE Campus resource: Fostering interdisciplinary learning in large-scale doctoral programmes

今年4月,新西兰生产力委员会(New Zealand Productivity Commision)发现,研究生不具备新西兰最具生产力的公司所需要的复杂技能。他们的劳动生产率(每小时工作的产出)还不到瑞典或新加坡等其他小型发达经济体中同类公司的一半。委员会建议评估公司未来的需求,以建立更好的研究生人才输送渠道。






凯瑟琳·惠特比是梅西大学(Massey University)的化学副教授。



Print headline:?Make master’s a mixed bag



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Reader's comments (2)

My concern as a senior lecturer, facilitator and consultant is whether students enrolling on postgraduate programmes are on a paper chase. In my opinion, there's a vast difference between acquiring a qualification versus acquiring an education. The concern increases, when the teaching of understanding the importance of the human element (EQ) in the workforce, whether we are leading or being lead is absent. This is reflected in the past and current scenarios where companies under the stewardship of university graduans failing or refusing to recognise this importance. Whether its a specialised or a general pathway, the emphasis on the attributes that involve, managing the human element is crucial. Industrial revolution required strong workers. Information age requires knowledgeable workers. Future age requires emotionally intelligent workers. To summarize the above, all the ages require the understanding of the human element.
My concern as a senior lecturer, facilitator and consultant is whether students enrolling on postgraduate programmes are on a paper chase. In my opinion, there's a vast difference between acquiring a qualification versus acquiring an education. The concern increases, when the teaching of understanding the importance of the human element (EQ) in the workforce, whether we are leading or being lead is absent. This is reflected in the past and current scenarios where companies under the stewardship of university graduans failing or refusing to recognise this importance. Whether its a specialised or a general pathway, the emphasis on the attributes that involve, managing the human element is crucial. Industrial revolution required strong workers. Information age requires knowledgeable workers. Future age requires emotionally intelligent workers. To summarize the above, all the ages require the understanding of the human element.