Activist scholarship risks turning the academy into an echo chamber Scholarship that does not acknowledge the legitimacy of alternative views is inimical to knowledge generation, says Katy Barnett Katy Barnett 10月 20日
是时候重新评估学生评估了吗? 新冠疫情加速了数字时代的众多评估实验,使其超越了简单的知识回忆考试。但传统考试真的过时了吗?随着又一个学期的尘埃落定,7位学者给出了他们截然不同的观点 Jill Hicks-Keeton 7月 22日
Other professions don’t tolerate public rudeness. Why do academics? Scholars should model the constructive criticism of ideas, not yell ‘you're wrong’ during each other’s talks, says Katy Barnett Katy Barnett 5月 13日