Don’t pick sides in superpower rivalry, universities warned Rather than ‘pre-emptively complying’ with Canberra’s stance on China, universities should contribute to a ‘nuanced’ debate John Ross 3月 12日
Don’t ditch research quality benchmarks, universities say Australian institutions say new research rules are not to blame as registration delays stretch on John Ross 3月 11日
Social media abusers ‘a loud minority’ Commentators under fire for doing their job should remember their ‘silent’ supporters, says author of harassment survival guide John Ross 3月 9日
Universities’ gender pay gaps ‘double the tertiary average’ While new Australian data identify regional universities as the most inequitable payers, experts highlight the ‘different conditions and challenges’ John Ross 3月 6日
Australia’s accord could be more ambitious on Indigenous participation The document gestures to some key barriers, but Indigenous knowledge is valuable in itself, not just for improving outcomes, says Ian Anderson Ian Anderson 3月 5日
Australian government loses bragging rights on visa time frames While ministers say they have fixed predecessors’ visa processing delays, published data suggests otherwise John Ross 3月 5日
Accord will make Australia the world leader in student loans Recommended reforms, such as abolishing the Job-Ready Graduates fee hikes for humanities, will gold-plate the Help system, says Maxwell Yong Maxwell Yong 3月 4日
Legislate to protect academics from trade rules, Australia told Care needed to avoid scaring off doctoral students and burying officials in paperwork, senators hear John Ross 3月 1日
More STEM students alone ‘won’t lift Australian productivity’ Conference hears that the quality of degrees is at least as important as the quantity and the disciplines John Ross 2月 29日
Opposition ‘welcomes’ accord debate but questions access drive Coalition pledges to consider landmark Australian report ‘in detail’ John Ross 2月 28日
Australian tertiary education commission ‘could become a monster’ Best way to stop proposed oversight body going rogue is to avoid setting it up in the first place, conference hears John Ross 2月 28日
Confusion over Accord’s ‘demand-driven’ widening access plan Key recommendation in Australian sector review report is substantially different from its historical namesake John Ross 2月 28日