Only a handful of UK universities maximised their public profiles during the pandemic because press officers were diverted towards internal crises or social media engagement, says Fiona Fox
The ambitious goals of online education cannot be achieved unless universities prioritise student mentoring and pastoral support, says Chandralekha Singh
Some topics are lightning rods for disagreement, but there are ways to insulate yourself against online vitriol, say Kristine Maloney and Teresa Valerio Parrot
As war descends on Europe again, how many of the idealistic young scholars defending their country against invasion will live full lives, muses Keith Burnett
A few electronic mailing lists still thrive in the academy, reminding us that peer communication need not be all about ‘building the brand’, says Kate Eichhorn
A large new survey gives the lie to the idea that liberal arts colleges are more responsive to students’ needs than universities are, notes Samuel Abrams